Auckland Charitable
Trust supports people
who have a cognitive
impairment and who are
at risk of going missing.

Help Bring Wanderers Safely Home

How does
WanderSearch Work?

WanderSearch Auckland Tracking program is a simple radio frequency tracking system for people living with a cognitive impairment who have the potential to wander.

Tracking Devices

We have three different tracking devices – a pendant (necklace), watch (wrist) and keyring, each with a unique frequency number.

Our Partner Organisations
& Supporters

We are very grateful to have the support of various generous trusts, foundations, and partner organisations.

Know someone
that might benefit?

Please download our latest brochure.

Contact us

Your enquiries are welcome,
please contact:

WanderSearch Auckland
Charitable Trust

PO Box 302 063
North Harbour


(09) 480 4448